I am going to differ from other reviews : this card is an early-game monster. It fits into the Anarch philosophy : "I am getting in, no matter the cost".
And it does exactly that. When you install this Resource, you send a clear message to corp : any server covered by 1 Ice is basically free. While it becomes less and less impactful as the game progresses, it's in my opinion the best opening card you can have for an agressive anarch deck.
For instance, this allows you to land Chastushka and Time Bomb very easily, threatens early agendas that can no longer be safe behind a Palissade. There is also the very powerful combo with Raindrops Cut Stone that refunds the cards you burned through, and the obvious Steelskin Scarring.
Of course, it has counters and weaknesses. Small ice like Pop-up or Tithe make this a very bad option, and big ice like Vampyronassa can flat you if you aren't careful. But overall, this is a card that gives immense range to your early game, at a VERY low cost, and can allow you to bully corp into an easy win.
This card immediately became a 3-of in pretty much every single tournament-winning Anarch list. It's more than just an early-game monster for aggression, though; it offers immense credit savings on big ICE for the entire game.
— CelestialSpark