Since you have to forfeit an agenda, you must have a pretty solid reason to play this card.
Therefore, I see 3 main uses for it:
1) To get rid of useless or harmful agenda like Shi.Kyū and Domestic Sleepers. Is the Bad Pub worth more than the 9 from Data Dealer? Probably. If you run every turn and can play it early it’s way better than data dealer. Both cost 2 influence, so for Shapers it’s a matter of choice: criminals have other reason to choose Frame Job over Data Dealer.
2) To give Bad publicity to the corp. If the recurring credit every run is doesn’t worth the forfeit of agenda point, the bad pub might have other more desirable effects. Allowing Itinerant Protesters and Raymond Flint? Maybe. Blackmail? OH YEAH! By sacrificing 1 point you can blackmail into remote and score 2 or 3 point: totally worth it!
3) With Iain Stirling: Retired Spook, it’s a good way to stay behind in the agenda count and still get the 2 credits per turn.
Since Honor and profit, Frame Job a M.V.P. in my Iain Stirling deck. I sacrifice a one-pointer, get my 2 per turn, plus 1 per run and it allows me to blackmail into remote to score other agenda. Sometime it worth sacrificing an agenda to get better result over time: and Frame Job is the best card for that.