This isn't, at first glance, the best card. "Click to gain 4" is a great sell, but the buy in is "run R&D twice", which is much worse than Sure Gamble just requiring 5 creds.
But assessing cards is more complicated than that, and you can't just consider them in a vacuum. In particular, you have to consider Mobius in light of Medium.
Medium is the single most common win condition in the game, and all it wants is you to run R&D over and over until you win the game. This card rewards you for doing that, so that's obviously good, but wait there's more.
Once you twist your mind to where running R&D isn't cost of getting the Mobius credits, but is something you do for its own sake (or to grow Medium), then the card's second facet shines through.
It gives you 2 runs in one click. So long as all you want to do is run R&D (thanks Medium), that's basically extra clicks. A card that says "Gain a click and 4 creds" is absolutely insane.
If you can ever engineer a situation where you have a medium and R&D is open, then this card is absolute gold.
Conclusion: While not incredibly strong on its own, Mobius feeds into the game's best plan (ice destruction to open R&D, medium to victory), and this card has just one influence. I predict it will see play as a 3 of in a lot of red decks.