Kit "R&Dig" - (First Attempt Runner Deck)

KaneKalos 72

This is my first effort at deck building for either side. I chose shaper just because I have C&C and I felt like I had more options. I also have one core and the first 4 data packs out of Genesis. Kind of rushed through this build as I made it on my downtime at work. But the general idea is to run a lot and hit R&D. FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. What should I add/take out with my limited availability to the total card pool?

20 Oct 2015 daytodave

Kit does not spend influence on Inside Job.

Kit IS Inside Job.

20 Oct 2015 tonybluehose

For some of your bigger cost items (toolbox, Magnum), I would highly recommend adding two Stimhack to your list. Inside Job is a neat include, but you will get more bang for your buck from personal workshop with a stimhack.

Also, considering your 1 ofs and 2 ofs (Inside Job, Tinkering), running three Same Old Thing allows you to get more use out of each of those events.

Finally, since you've one Femme Fatale, I think making some room for Scavenge will allow you to maximize that card by being able to bounce it around.

Good luck with the deck building!

20 Oct 2015 KaneKalos

@daytodave Very true. I was thinking of using it as more of a surprise run once they've installed the second piece of ice on a server. Bypass the new ice (w/o encountering, right?) and break the second ice with a CG breaker. Fairly new to the game so not sure how surprising this might actually be, but that was the thought!

20 Oct 2015 KaneKalos

@tonybluehose Thank you for the suggestions! I'm liking some of those ideas, so I'll look into those possibilities once I'm off work and post the updated version later on.

20 Oct 2015 daytodave

@KaneKalos Read Inside Job again. It specifically says "bypass the first piece of ice encountered". If you Inside Job and the corp rezzes the outer ice, you will make it a code gate, then bypass it.

The card you're looking for you already have, it's Tinkering, and every Kit deck wants 3 of it no questions asked. It's a super Inside Job for Kit because it lets you nullify one ice of your choosing, rather than letting the corp choose.

Is this for tournament or friendly play? If friendly, I strongly recommend you proxy 3x Multithreader, to pair with Study Guide, and 1x GS Shrike M2 to replace your 3 influence of sentry breakers, until you can get Data and Destiny. MultiGuide makes Kit a huge late game threat (combined with Cyber-Ciphers early game), and Shrike is an easy sentry solution who's drawback, inefficiency, doesn't hurt Kit nearly as much as other runners.

If you want to keep your deck a little closer to home, I would start with fixing your memory situation. Two sources of memory in 45 cards does not a happy Magnum Opus make. You're running a total of 13 economy cards in addition to the 1 Opus. I would say you need 3x Sure Gamble and 3x of one other econ card, probably Modded or Daily Casts, to support your (2-3 copies of) Opus. I would start with 6 sources of memory, a mix of Akamatsu Mem Chips, CyberSolutions Mem Chips, and either Astrolabes or The Toolboxes, and see how that feels.

21 Oct 2015 KaneKalos

@daytodave Thanks, man. You helped a lot. Like I said, I was at work when I made this, so I completely misread Inside Job. I plan on getting Data and Destiny pretty soon actually, so I'll look into adding those in the near future!