Dr. Evil joins HB - Where's Austin Powers?

whuppo 6

Dr. Evil has a new plan to destroy the world! But his agenda needs further optimization with advices from evil HB scientists. Its in an early stage.

The plan is to literally BURN and force to . Make a run + Enhanced Login Protocol + Ruhr Valley = 3 and then there's Caprice Nisei. When she declines access, the runner wasted almost a whole turn.

This plan wants to be designed to force the runner to use his clicks for other actions than running. NAPD Contract will cost too much if Utopia Fragment is already scored. Trashing Dr. Evil's assets won't be cheap. ICE stay strong with [IT Department]. The Struggle continues. More money and options are needed. Programs are destroyed with Grim and Ichi 1.0 supported by IT Department. While economy can be destroyed with Snatch and Grab - Hostile Infrastructure defends and snipes runner's options.

Asset recursion with Hades Fragment, Architect, Jackson Howard and overscored Project Vitruvius.

Opinions, please.

6 Jan 2015 whuppo

If i dont bring results - MiniMe will cut my balls. Help.