Foxy Boxing v0.1

Shiiuga 1266

This deck is based on Stranger Danger's Kitsunichord archetype. I'm a staunch Jinteki player, so seeing their bullshit in other colours is always nice.

I've done away with all of the overadvancing of Project Beale and have chosen instead to focus on all of the fun things you can make the runner access in HQ through the use of Kitsune.

What you want them to see largely depends on what sort of deck they're playing. A lot of the tech in here is anti-film critic, which is the one thing that really hoses Haarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed.

Good ways to kill a Film Critic are allowing them to access an Archangel that they have no way of breaking. Trace 6 is no joke, and it's unlikely they'll spend the money to meet it unless they're rich or have high link. Pick up the Film Critic, then they have to waste a click putting it back down.

If they're about to nab one of your AstroScript Pilot Programs then sack off the 15 Minutes to them. If the Astrotrain has already left the station, next turn you can Advance, Advance, Astro Token, click the 15 minutes back. Cruel.

Think they're about to hit R&D with a big Medium dig? Cyberdex Virus Suite says no.

Then of course there's everyone's favourite News Team.

Snatch and Grab and Freelancer combo quite well. You can hit them with a S&G and if they let you do it, great, you can trash a Film Critic or a well stocked Kati. If they take the tag instead, great! 2 resources for the price of none.

Interns and Team Sponsorship are great for recurring Kitsune to wherever you need it. You can put it on a remote to make it difficult for the runner to steal what's inside, or on to R&D or HQ depending on where they're hitting.

Turtlebacks is already a great NBN econ engine, but it becomes even better when you're completely wiping your scoring server every time. Team Sponsorship and Interns are handy for recurring the Kitsune. Perhaps you could even drop a Kitsune for an Architect for even more shenanigans.

As per usual, not the slightest idea if it works, but I reckon it's got a strong matchup against the DLR Val decks that did so well at worlds. After all, what does it matter if they pop a Hades Shard with 6 agendas in the bin? They're only getting one, which will probably be negated by the News Teams anyway.

I think the one thing it will struggle against is Faust. So what if the runner breaks the sub on Kitsune with eater - they can't take whatever's behind it anyway, but Faust is another problem. Not sure how to deal with that yet.