I'm just going to guess Wyvern's tricks consisted of Datasucker, Parasite, Şifr and of course the most powerful of all: Wyrm.
Jokes aside, this is a counterplay to a single card: Parasite. Since strength 1 is low enough to break with most breakers without boosting its main, if not only, value is to stop someone stripping all ice from a server using Parasite.
Unfortunately Self-Adapting Code Wall isn't cutlery resistant, so a simple fracter and a Knifed will still get rid of it.
Which makes me wonder what the practical use is. How often are you going to see a runner who relies only on Parasite and can't access cards in a server otherwise. Yes, Eater is a thing, but decks that run it usually either have non-Parasite forms of ice destruction or some kind of backup breaker (though, granted, if that backup is Faust Self-Adapting Code Wall is pretty taxing for the money).
Self-Adapting Code Wall, in terms of strength for credits, is worse than the similar Lotus Field. Now that's somewhat to be expected in a neutral card but Lotus Field feels like it's got an awful lot more bang for the buck. May just be psychological though.
At 3 another neutral card, Wall of Static, offers 3 strength. So you're passing up on 2 strength in exchange for not being breakable with Parasite. The ability is undeniably useful, but I don't think it's worth 2 strength.
Still, FFG must have had a reason for printing these numbers. So what am I missing here?