Controlling Your Wallet

Benjen 726

You don't have to go horizontal with CtM to be effective. You just have to be really taxing.

Every asset or upgrade you play out adds either 4 credits or a click and 2 credits to avoid the tag. I wanted runners to pay that as often as possible. Thus the trick of this deck is not in overwhelming the runner with must-trash assets/upgrades, but in making their runs as taxing as possible.

This opens up scoring widows for you. Remember those?

An NAPD Contract with Red Herrings costs 9 credits plus avoiding the tag to steal. Not bad.

Mumbad Virtual Tour on a central is pretty good protection. It also works great to bait a run through a Tollbooth.

Product Placement is crazy annoying.

If you install a Reversed Accounts, you can leave it until it is relevant. If they trash it, that's almost as good as firing it. Seems like a win/win to me.

Centrals can be guarded with porous but taxing ice. Your one scoring remote should have, ideally, a Tollbooth with at least one more thing in front of it. Eli 1.0 is a great choice.

Tag punishment is kind of weak, but my goal was not to get them to go Tag-me. I want them to keep clearing tags. It slows the runner down to the point where you can overscore a Project Beale and win.

19 Jul 2016 Benjen

Just realized I have one slot left. Any suggestions?

19 Jul 2016 manveruppd

Clearly Psychographics! :)