Human 2.0

DrJekyll 34

I've loved Ken since getting into netrunner and have been trying to get him to a strong level that does some interesting things. I think this deck is the closest I have gotten so far and as a bonus it will be fine come rotation.

The aim of the deck is to 1. make a lot of money, 2. use rosetta to quickly set up your breakers and other programs, 3. access the crap out of centrals and make more money whilst doing so.

First lets start with Rosetta 2.0 I love this card much more than Special Order and here is why first you only need one to get one to get all your programs, secondly you can use the backup central only breakers which use to be just trashed if installed first to now evolve them into their 2.0 forms (see what I did there). Lastly and this isn't new it works so great with cache which is making you more money whilst setting up now that's some tempo.

Now on to multi accessing which is what a good Ken deck should be looking at for its win plan. This deck runs the classic Legwork and The Maker's Eye as expected which are always welcome. To add to the list is The Gauntlet which not only adds extra accesses to HQ runs it also adds 2 MU which is really needed in this deck. Another is Equivocation which can be tutored with rosetta and now your seeing four cards with makers eye and you also always see a fresh card for example if running it with temujin. Another access tool is Sneakdoor Beta which though it doesn't synergise with gauntlet/any run event it does demand the corp dedicate ICE to another server which is a huge benefit also again it can be tutored with rosetta. "Freedom Through Equality" is an obvious include when making this many accesses and really speeds up the game plan as Ken really wants to win early.

A lot of the remainder cards are for money the best of which is Aeneas Informant which is where this deck really shines. If you have a few down it earns you a lot of money when multi accessing cards many of which you won't want to trash as the money is better saved for making more runs anyway (don't worry you want to win fast so hopefully not the biggest problem). Aaron Marrón is a three of not just to help drug dealer with draw and make account siphon more ridiculous but as the counter to SYNC or really any boom decks which is one of this decks worse match ups next to Jinteki kill decks just because of how much this deck wants to run.

The deck can sometimes fail to launch money wise as needs to run to make more money but once it gets set up it usually wins really fast. I'm having so much fun with this deck and want to hear what people think to make it better. One would be to swap a makers eye for The Turning Wheel but I'm just not a fan of the wheel even though it would work in this deck because it gets me in the bad habit of running end the run ICE only to gain counters for a big RnD run which is usually not smart play and loses tempo unless playing Au Revoir.

3 Jul 2017 DrJekyll

The Déjà Vu isn't great as rosetta removes program from game so instead I'm running this deck with a corroder and gordian blade instead of abagnale and paperclip.