Folds of the Mind

Maleficious 36

The idea for this came after the release of Up and Over, when I remarked to a player in the league I was in about how I wanted to build a deck that made use of Origami. At the time, there wasn't really much of a point in doing so. Then, when All That Remains came out, I found my reason to run it. This deck revolves around utilizing all three copies of Origami and Ekomind in order to play a copy of Overmind with a massive amount of counters. Here's the breakdown of how each card fits in:

Diesel and Quality Time: These cards burn through your deck so you can find the combo pieces. They also let you build a massive hand size.

Levy AR Lab Access: The emergency reset button. Should only be used if critical parts of the combo are destroyed and there's no other way to get them back.

Scavenge: Can be used to exchange one program for another, or to reset a depleted Overmind.

Sure Gamble: A staple card. Drawing one in your opening hand will give you a needed boost.

Test Run: Used primarily to find the Magnum Opus, but can also be used to pull Origami if necessary.

CyberSolutions Mem Chip: Increases your maximum memory limit, which will protect your core programs from Ekomind if/when you take damage.

Ekomind: The key to getting a massive Overmind.

Omni-Drive: Placing the Overmind on here will give it an extra counter since it won't take up rig space. It's also a good place to put Femme.

Aesop's Pawnshop: In case you do need to reset, this will let you get rid of Ekomind, which will keep the core rig from being destroyed when you recycle your hand. It can also be used to sell depleted Overminds or other parts of your rig if necessary.

Same Old Thing: Lets you reuse key events, so you can dig faster or get a credit boost or whatever you need.

Femme Fatale: Overmind is the primary breaker, but this allows you to deal with some things that would be difficult for Overmind to handle, such as Komainu, Wraparound, and Sensei.

Overmind: The key breaker. Can deal with just about anything, and having the massive amounts of memory means you'll be able to break more subroutines with this than usual.

Magnum Opus: The primary money making engine. If you don't have this or a way to tutor for it in the opening hand, mulligan immediately.

Origami: With all three copies installed, your maximum hand size is fourteen. This will allow you to survive a triple Scorched Earth if necessary, but the primary use of this is to combo it with Ekomind to increase the number of counters placed onto Overmind. This and Magnum will be your core rig.

Self-modifying Code: Used primarily to tutor for either Magnum Opus or Origami. Can be sold off if the rig is already completed.