RAID, Pest Control 3.1

siahofmars 594

First Rendition of an idea of mine between the interaction of CBI Raid and Indexing i feel being a strong combo. This Deck Puts Pressure on HQ and R&D so ice goes thinner between the 2 Generally you want the Super Combo if you ever get there for game point to be (when its a good feeling that they have some agendas building up in hand) . Have an R & D interface or 2 installed , CBI Raid Them, Index R & D then Run R & D, score pointsssssss...

Forked is to deal with pesky sentrys u have to deal with when u can't scavenge your femme.

Drive by is so that you are making sure you don't have to run twice to get agendas in remotes with ash and caprice kinda stuff.

Emergency Shutdown will help you stop a monster ice to get shutoff and help u get in that server again. I feel it works good if they have a Big ice rezzed on r and d then you CBI Raid em then emergency shutdown the ice on r and d which then makes click 3 and 4 easier when you index then run.

Of Course First off, Get Opus online get your programs installed with test run/Scavenges, or personal workshop, stimhacks etc. Public Sympathy is just to midigate your Stimhacks.


17 Mar 2016 FarCryFromHuman

About the Forked, did you have specific reasoning behind it other than "sentries are awful to run repeatedly?" That's not bad reasoning, but I'm curious. Without the Forked you have 4 influence and a slot left; I'd say that could easily be your third CBI Raid and another Drive By, which I think is a great call until Political Operative/Councilman release. You'd have to cut one more card, probably a Quality Time (you've already got 3x Diesel and QT is a bit of an unwieldly tempo hit in a deck that doesn't install a ton of things).

17 Mar 2016 siahofmars

@FarCryFromHuman yeah my reasoning for the forked is precisely that! I originally had 2 drive by in the deck, I do like the idea of cutting fork and having another drive by and CBI raid, but I need to test the deck a couple times with this build. My reasoning for quality times and I wish I could actually have another smc is only because I want to see turn 1 opus every game if possible. But if u think I don't need the QTs and I can consistently still see opus I'm not opposed to changing those things.

17 Mar 2016 FarCryFromHuman

In a 40 card deck with 4 copies of a card (3x Magnum Opus + 1x Self-modifying Code), you've got a roughly 70% chance of seeing that card in your opening hand after using your mulligan.* The math gets more complicated when you factor in seeing and playing Diesel in your opening hand, but it improves your turn 1 odds of getting MOpus out.

The problem with Quality Time is not that it increases your turn 1 odds (it certainly does) but that it costs you 3, leaving you with 2 and a hand of 9 cards. Even if you play the QT first thing and click for credits three times, you've just lost 4 cards and still can't play the MOpus turn 1. There are better ways to spend your time and money IMO.

*If anyone else is reading this and my math is incorrect please correct it. Geometric sequences and combinatorics are not my strong suit.

17 Mar 2016 gammanet

well for one, you forgot to include seeing test run as having magnum, also, smc is an amazing card, why only 1? also, is cool as femme is, breaking sentries is a pain the the wallet(architect for 4, ichi for 7, ichi2 for 9, assassin for 8) any corp worth a damn will be running multiple sentries, and HB makes for a challenging opponent with a decent pilot. dunno what the answer is, as im still doing mimic/femme/sharpshooter...which takes up way too many slots.

17 Mar 2016 siahofmars

@gammanet yeah test run was a thing in my kind too , I guess I just didn't run the numbers for consistency I just wanna see that opus haha. Anyways the smc was to get the opus mainly and test runs or hard draw to get the other programs online was the idea. I had 3 smc in the original build but I just don't know what to cut for another. That's why I had a forked in the deck to get those annoying sentries I can't constantly scavenge my femme onto. Thanks for the feedback . gonna be testing and moving things around accordingly. Lemme know if u guys have any luck if u test it on jinteki or octgn.