OK, now everyone is talking about this card in relation to the weapons suite, or breaking and entering suite - whatever the hell you want to call them - These three cards.
A lot of people seem to be convinced that this is the combo to make all combos. And sure, it's a thing. But it's not a big thing. The trick with the weapons is to just have such a critical mass that you have the strength anyway - then be able to bust through when the time is ripe. This card is just a deck slot you don't need to use. You might as well slot in either more money, more ways to get your weapons out, or more tutors / recursion. It's only 3 influence for a full set - but how often are you going to see all three - and you're only going to be installing & using a weapon breaker on the same turn pretty rarely. Sure that might be crucial, but often you can achieve the same thing with a well placed Inside Job / Emergency Shutdown / whatever other tech tools you have in Criminal.
In summary, I'm not convinced it's worth both 3 deck slots (which are mega tight already because of the weapon breakers) and 3 influence.
I feel like Chameleon is a far better combo with LLDS. The whole Hayley / London Library / Autoscripter idea seems like an 'I get anywhere I please' idea. At least that's in faction.