To have any value, Akshara needs to be played with cards that block the corp's ability to FA and cards that multiply what the runner can do with a 5th click. Clot, The Source, The Black File, or a Vamp/Account Siphon lock can shut down corp advancing strategies, She can mean an extra card milled with Keyhole, Data Leak Reversal, or Wanton Destruction, an extra access with Quest Completed, Medium, or DDOS. She can enable an extra point or two scored with Notoriety or Liberated Chela, or allow the runner to use a 5th click to chain Duggar's, Day Job, or Investigative Journalism into a combo. She likes Apocalype, Fear the Masses, and even Three Steps Ahead (when's the last time someone mentioned that card?) as well.
Akshara might also find a home with Adam, where she fits in well with Always Be Running.
Akshara is definitely not a card to be slotted in casually, but can augment a strategy that relies on making mega turns to powerful effect. In particular, I think she finds a home enabling some potential anarch and shaper combos.