A pretty hilarious agenda that I think works perfectly in a kill-focused Jemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success. or Blue Sun: Powering the Future deck.
Murders the runner in the face when they thought they were safe because they trashed your BOOM!
Even if it doesn't finish the job, you still got 2 points
Nets you 2 if they aren't tagged, useful because the credit sink for scoring a 5/2 often leaves Corps at a disadvantage
You are taking an asteroid and throwing it at people
Combos perfectly with Psychographics
Takes up more agenda slots while not being any easier to score or protecting itself
Can be stolen prematurely
damage can be negated with proper protection
Overall I think this is a hilarious agenda. Probably best if you can Fast Advance it. You also want your deck to be built around it, as 5/2s are terrible if you don't fully take advantage of their abilities