
Jaguarundi 4[credit]

Ice: Sentry - AP
Strength: 3
Influence: 2

Threat 4 → When the Runner encounters this ice, give them 1 tag unless they spend [click]. (This ability is active if any player has 4 or more agenda points.)

[subroutine] Give the Runner 1 tag.

[subroutine] If the Runner is tagged, do 1 core damage.

"Hey Br3n-N, just doing the hourly check-in. I saw a weird cyber-echo near your last node. You OK, mate?"
Illustrated by Cat Shen
Decklists with this card

The Automata Initiative (tai)

#35 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)

No rulings yet for this card.


Jaguarundi tags and cores.

Design: It pairs a conditional effect (↳ If the Runner is tagged, ….) with the conditioning effect (↳ Give the Runner 1 tag.). cf. a “green Jaguarundidestroyer, with:

↳ Give the Runner 1 tag.
↳ If the Runner is tagged,
  trash 1 installed program.
↳ If the Runner has at least 2 tags,
  trash 1 installed piece of hardware.

Also, any “click-bribeable” Haas-Bioroid effect acts like a “pseudo-bioroid” subroutine (with infinite strength). I think more non-bioroids should have such “click, or else” ultimatums, and with more “else” effects than just ETR. Such as Jaguarundi's tagging, or:

  • blanking: eg. When the Runner encounters this ice, choose 1 installed program. For the remainder of this run, that program loses all abilities unless the Runner spends [click].
  • damaging: eg. When the Runner encounters this ice, if they have any [click] remaining, do 1 core damage unless the Runner spends [click].
  • installing: eg. When the Runner encounters this ice, you may install 1 card from HQ unless they spend [click]. If you do, they may spend [click] to expose that card.
  • purging: eg. When you rez this ice during a run against this server, purge virus counters unless the Runner spends [click][click].

Flavor: The jaguarundi is a wild cat in South America, smaller than a jaguar and larger than a house cat.

(Context warning: discussion of enslavement below.)

Flavor: There is no bioroid ice in The Automata Initiative, but two-out-of-three Haas-Bioroid ice are still “click-thru-able” (Jaguarundi and M.I.C.). Why? Maybe because in Brazil, while most bioroid people are still in debt peonage or wage slavery (of being Wage Workers), Mercury: Chrome Libertador et alia have liberated themselves from chattel slavery (as of Ansel 1.0’s and Brân 1.0’s).

(The Automata Initiative era)

Here is a niche but good ice. Sadly, having a threat 4 instead of threat 3 means the additional ability will start rather late in the game.

The ice is intended to go with Thule Subsea: Safety Below and Thunderbolt Armaments: Peace Through Power. The first benefit from taking away clicks and the second benefit from having a AP ice.

If tags is the goal you seek, Funhouse and Phoneutria will probably give better results, for the same cost in influence. You could even go for Authenticator.

But is you go for having more small agendas (1 and 2 pointers), then threat 4 is still 2 agenda steal away from winning/losing. Making Jaguarundi quite potent.

Jaguarundi will combo well with deck that aims to flatline the runner. Doing Core damage makes it easier to use End of the Line to flatline the runner.

Of note, this ice just need one sub to be broken, since the second sub does not matter until threat 4, making this ice rather cheap to pass, considering the cost of 4. Compare this to Tithe...

Art wise, this is top tier. Just play amazing and cool art. The quote is nice and it even hint at the effect of the ice (I wish I knew who Moth was). Name and art goes together. Very well done!

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)