Tricky Titan - Store Championship 2015 Uppsala, Sweden (3rd

Therad 13

Store Championship in Uppsala with 17 players (one dropped out during the tournament).

Ice up your centrals and start scoring with Trick of Light and Project Atlas. This deck runs on fumes, but it is critical to start advancing the Cosmic Ice.

5 rounds of swiss, and then cut to top-8.


1. Mikael (NEH FA) + Christian (PPvP Kate)
2. Christian (Titan FA) + Joacim (Kit)
Seriously agenda flooded after mulligan. Installed a quandary on HQ first round against Kit. Luckily he was cautious against a Weyland deck. Managed to install an archer with an ice before it, and did manage to kill of his rig. Which gave me some breathing room. 3. Anton (HB:ETF Glacier) + Christian (PPvP Kate)

Build decisions

Fast Advance in Weyland is quite interesting. It has a slower start, but once you start scoring you can push out all 7 points in just a couple of turns. Since you need two cards and two credits to score, you never need to have agendas in HQ. Push them to archieves and jackson them to R&D where Atlas can solve the problem.

Veterans Program & Witness Tampering
Valencia hate and clearing BB from Hostile Takeover.

Executive Boot Camp
Valencia hate & Leela protection. Used to rez ice to nullify blackmail. It is also quite good to force a reshuffle of R&D.

SanSan City Grid
Backup, and taxing decoy. Might be used to score a 4/2 with a trick of light, which I did in one match. In another match I got Kate to use a stimhack because of this.

Shipment from Kaguya & Builder Used to speed up setup time and replenish counters after trick of light.

Used for Forked/Spooned/Knifed protection. And is also quite taxing against common breakers.

Daily Business Show
Used with good results before the tournament. And in most match ups it is the single best protection you have against the runner. Push the agendas to the bottom and use Atlas counters to fetch them again. It also helps tremendously in the beginning. I didn't take it to the tournament because keyhole almost completely nullifies its effect.