Sweets Sweeps (1st, store champ, BD Cosmos Montreal)

semaphores 472

  1. Create remotes to draw cards and get money.

  2. Defend centrals with ice, Crisium Grid, and Caprice.

  3. Ensure all servers are taxing.

  4. Score whatever and win.

20 Jan 2016 wynalazca

Interesting deck. The agenda comp is pretty confusing to me but I see you're spamming 2/1 agendas for the Team Sponsorships. Are you planning on updating this list to be MWL compliant? If so, what would you change to it?

20 Jan 2016 semaphores

Here's an explanation of the agenda composition:

3x AstroScript Pilot Program: First priority for scoring. Chain them if you think you can win fast. Score them off of SanSan City Grid or in a Caprice Nisei remote if possible.

2x Breaking News: Score off of SanSan City Grid or in a Caprice Nisei remote if you want to click to trash a resource, or use The All-Seeing I. Score from hand if you need points to win, or to trigger Team Sponsorship.

3x Global Food Initiative: The idea here is to not score these, generally. They thin the agenda density available to the runner, and it's not too bad if they're stolen (kind of like NAPD Contract in previous NBN fast-advance decks). With three of these in the deck, it's very hard for the runner to race you in points. If you have two AstroScript Pilot Program counters and a SanSan City Grid, you can score this from hand for the win. You can also score this in a Caprice Nisei server.

1x Project Beale: Good to fast-advance for points. Can technically over-advance in a Caprice Nisei server in a pinch.

1x 15 Minutes: Score to trigger Team Sponsorship, or for points. Or let it be stolen and shuffle it back. With Global Food Initiative, it's hard for the runner to race you.

I've been thinking about the MWL list, and I'm thinking of going with -1 Global Food Initiative, -1 Team Sponsorship, -1 Caprice Nisei. 3 Global Food Initiative is hard to score out, and 3 Team Sponsorship is diminishing returns. Architect is necessary as it's the only sentry in the deck, and is powerful when the subroutines fire. AstroScript Pilot Program and SanSan City Grid are too core to the deck to cut. I would replace the Global Food Initiative with another Project Beale and another Breaking News. I haven't tested these changes yet though, and would welcome any suggestions.