Uncanny Valley 1.1

CrushU 193

Changes from last version:

  1. Removed Gutenberg and Scorched Earth for being unreliable and letting people get through an ICE without taking Valley Grid reduction.
  2. Removed Tech Startup, while it works for tutoring singleton Assets, I need the full sets of Toybox and Howard.
  3. Dropped a Ryon Knight and a Valley Grid because they're relatively difficult to land.
  4. Instead, added Ronin since IAA is my standard for scoring anyway, and it's slightly more reliable than tag into Scorch.
  5. Went to full set of Janus 1.0 and generally tuned ICE to synergize with Valley Grid better.

I like the look of this, but I'm worried about Economy. Only 6 pieces of Economy isn't that great... Thankfully, with the Toybox, I won't need much money for rezzing ICE.