SlySquid's Pawnshop v2.0

SlySquid 4763

New version of the deck, I think I'm happiest with it now... Had to go back to Wyrm, I didn't have it and I'm so use to playing with it... I know a lot of people hate on it but it's really REALLY strong against low ice and brutal when paired with Parasite... Also any extra copy's can be Aesop's Pawnshoped out for cash!

20 Aug 2014 Vaos

I am not so sure about Joshua without Data Leak Reversal or other fun tag cards, so since you have Hostage around and few events, it might be the time to try to trade out a Donut Taganes for one of your Clone Chip?

As Donut can be really impacting against some corps (CI, operation corp economy...), it might be worth trying out. If I get my Spaces Between pack order today I'll give it a try.

20 Aug 2014 SlySquid

That's a great idea!

I don't know if I can part with a Clone Chip because I need to use D4v1d as one of my main breakers, but it's defiantly a great unique idea and something that really synergies with the deck...

I do know Duggar's is coming out next pack and I'm going to mess around with those over Hostage so that should free up some influince...

Joshua B. does have a lot to offer late game and that's mainly why his in the deck, but at the end of the day, he's what I refer to as a mouldable slot because he can be swapped without changing the "bones" of the deck...

Thanks for your input @Vaos and let me know how the deck plays for you?

20 Aug 2014 SlySquid

To be honest I'm thinking of changing Joshua B. back too a Déjà VuVu and cutting the Cyberfeeders back to Liberated Accounts...

20 Aug 2014 x3r0h0ur

Wyrm means spinal modem. I would sacrifice the slot and few bucks on cache to get 2 per turn with Spinal.

20 Aug 2014 Helxombie

Maybe I'm missing something what do you do with Lotus Field?

20 Aug 2014 TheTick

D4v1d breaks Lotus Field...

20 Aug 2014 TheTick

D4v1d breaks Lotus Field...

20 Aug 2014 Myriad

No it doesn't. Not unless the Corp increases Lotus Field's strength. Otherwise it is 1 shy of being broken by D4v1d.

20 Aug 2014 Helxombie

Lotus Field is strength 4. D4V1D is for strength 5 and greater

21 Aug 2014 SlySquid

I switched it up guys

21 Aug 2014 lolpaca

Wouldn't Scavenge be better than Clone Chip if you just want to "refresh" programs that are already installed? Cheaper and pairs well with Cache!

21 Aug 2014 SlySquid

Yes it would @lolpaca but you'd lose the mid run installs

21 Aug 2014 SlySquid

This deck has been rebuilt and i think its 100% at the point that i wont be changing it till a new pack comes out