SlySquid's Pawnshop v2.1

SlySquid 4763

Made v3.0 check it out

Had to go back to Wyrm, I didn't have it and I'm so use to playing with it... I know a lot of people hate on it but it's really REALLY strong against low ice and brutal when paired with Parasite... Also any extra copy's can be Aesop's Pawnshoped out for cash!

The point is to just play a regular aggressive game and let the mills happen over time, don't make that your goal....

20 Aug 2014 Fox Ex Machina

In looking at the decklist, I need to ask: what's your answer to Lotus Field? It doesn't look like you have one: nothing in your deck can break it.

20 Aug 2014 Andre Modt

Hey Sly, have you considered using Scrubbed? The anarch current? Cause with wyrm it can save you 4 credits. Or are you avoiding currents?

20 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

I believe Wyrm is his answer to lotus costing 6c to get through, as opposed to 5c for a crypsis which he ran before and a click amusing you want to keep crypsis.

20 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior
  • ah no i forget you need to lower str to use wyrm. In which case he has none
20 Aug 2014 TheTick

I imagine his answer for Lotus Field is D4v1d.

20 Aug 2014 TheTick

I imagine his answer for Lotus Field is D4v1d.

20 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

Nope d4v1d is Str 5 or more lotus is Str 4. i would guess the idea is even if they have three up one on each server theirs still one server they can't protect.

20 Aug 2014 Fox Ex Machina

@TheTick, D4v1d can only break subroutines if the ICE is strength 5 or greater. Lotus Field is strength 4.

20 Aug 2014 Fox Ex Machina

Sorry, looks like @Pinkwarrior and I answered at the same time.

I mean, I can see someone accepting that a card is unbeatable by this deck—it's not a completely fatal flaw—but I believe Lotus Field is going to be common enough that someone will slap it on a scoring server and advance with impunity.

Especially Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center, which does occasionally run Lotus Field. A Beale behind one of those is just going to stay there forever.

20 Aug 2014 Pinkwarrior

@Xenoman Yeah i agree for 1 influence its going to be around most decks i have 1 in my HB ETF deck and it has done some work against anarch's when its come out.

But that said even if you can't get through one server it's not game over you can still win.

20 Aug 2014 SlySquid

@Xenoman you are right, I don't really have an answer for Lotus Field but to be honest I don't expect to see it in every deck and the ones I do run into with it will just take a little more work, but I alway put multiple ways to win in all my decks and this one isn't any different.

If it starts turning into a problem I'll have to make modifications, but at this point I don't think it's going to be too bad.

@Andre Modt I have considered Scrubbedbut to be honest it's ante synergistic with D4v1d, I just plan on Datasuckering down to with Wyrm...

20 Aug 2014 SlySquid

I think the answer is to just cut a Wyrm for a Crypsis...

I do feel that with only one floating around in most decks it's not going to be a consistent problem (and who know maybe everyone will run Lag Time lol), or at least one that I have to really worry about...

But a quick fix would be adding a single Crypsis, who knows, maybe that's the best play anywho...

All I know is I'm addicted to Wyrm and with this current build it's way better! D4v1d is exactly what I needed!

I played this deck against a Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center deck twice, lost the first match but won the second than beat my RP deck with it! Two very different decks and it was working great! Susanoo-No-Mikoto hates D4v1d...

20 Aug 2014 SlySquid

The more I think about it the more I know I'm going to add a Crypsis

21 Aug 2014 TheTick

Whoops. For some reason I thought Lotus Field was str 5.

21 Aug 2014 TheTick

How often do you find yourself actually spending the three credits to break a subroutine with wyrm? Seems like that could get pretty expensive.

21 Aug 2014 SlySquid

It's about aggression, let's say first turn an NBN player plays a Quandary and starts advancing an AstroScript Pilot Program, it would cost Crypsis 6 credits to instal, one too load and run...

Darwin costs five and you better hope it's not an ice wall because than your boned...

Now my buddy Wyrm installs and breaks it for 4 credits, that means I can break it three times and it only cost 10 credits, where as a Crypsis would cost 11 (because you need to load it up)

I know it's not the most efficient on it's own, but when you think about it with Parasite the numbers become ridicules, let's include the cost of the Parasite when we look at killing mid-game ice... 9 credits to destroy an Eli 1.0, 7 for a Wall of Static, 5 for a STR 2 and so on... And that's not even including if you have a Grimoire which makes it two creds cheaper, and if you Clone Chip the Parasite back at the end of there turn that's another two credits off, now we're looking at 5 credits to out right DESTROY an Eli 1.0

So that means I'm able to put huge amounts of pressure on early and mid game and have D4v1d do work on all the huge thing that get in my way...

21 Aug 2014 SlySquid

@Xenoman, @Andre Modt, @Pinkwarrior And @TheTickIt's about aggression, let's say first turn an NBN player plays a Quandary and starts advancing an AstroScript Pilot Program, it would cost Crypsis 6 credits to instal, one too load and run...

Darwin costs five and you better hope it's not an ice wall because than your boned...

Now my buddy Wyrm installs and breaks it for 4 credits, that means I can break it three times and it only cost 10 credits, where as a Crypsis would cost 11 (because you need to load it up)

I know it's not the most efficient on it's own, but when you think about it with Parasite the numbers become ridicules, let's include the cost of the Parasite when we look at killing mid-game ice... 9 credits to destroy an Eli 1.0, 7 for a Wall of Static, 5 for a STR 2 and so on... And that's not even including if you have a Grimoire which makes it two creds cheaper, and if you Clone Chip the Parasite back at the end of there turn that's another two credits off, now we're looking at 5 credits to out right DESTROY an Eli 1.0

So that means I'm able to put huge amounts of pressure on early and mid game and have D4v1d do work on all the huge thing that get in my way...

22 Aug 2014 SlySquid

Made v3.0 and that's the one! I'm in love with it!