Always be Quetzal

Kamalisk 437

I was trying to come up with a good reason to run Adams directives outside of Adam, and I really like Always be Running, so I figured a deck based around having almost no breakers could work, and Quetzal seemed like a great fit.

So, the idea is to get e3 and always be running into play, then use ABR or Quetzal to easily break ice, and get rid of any piece of ice you can with the cutlery cards or with parasites.

The great thing with this is, you can break any 2 deep server if at least one in a barrier, which means the corp may find it hard to score early, while you pick apart R&D.

Also runs Spoilers, so when they do score, you might get free points, and with all the pressure on killing ice for little effort, defending archives if often quite hard.

Since Architect is a thing, I pretty much have to run a Mimic, but ABR at least covers any initial Architect hits.

I was originally trying Apex's End the Run breaker, but felt like most end the run was barrier with Quetzal anyway. So I removed it and Grimoire to and throw in more econ.

5 Nov 2015 tiedyedvortex

I have been working on something very similar! A few thoughts I have on your build:

Is Kati Jones the best choice here? If you always do click 1 run, clicks 2 and 3 Always Be Running, then you're only going to have one click left to click Kati Jones and then that's your whole turn. You also can't take money off before running.

John Masanori seems very risky. Yes, the card draw is nice, but ABR can be kind of shaky sometimes and if you have to jack out Masanori really hurts. Maybe Earthrise Hotel would be a better card draw engine, since you can play it last click?

I personally would feel much more comfortable with one less e3 Feedback Implants and two Dr. Lovegood, but maybe I'm just a coward who doesn't want to ALWAYS be running.

Lastly, I would actually consider putting in Surfer. Like you mentioned in this description, you can get into any 2-deep server as long as one of those is a barrier: with Surfer, as long as there is a barrier in the outer 2 pieces of ICE you can get in.

5 Nov 2015 Kamalisk

I hadn't cosidered surfer, a new card I haven't really tried, but that could work. So I might try that.

The reason I upped to 3 e3, was because with 2, they always seem to be on the bottom of the deck, and against multisub ice it is really needed if I want to use ABR properly (especially with the cutlery)

I don't think I ever did an unsuccessful run, and Masonori does let me save a click drawing and keeping on moving my deck forward.

I could go to 1 Kati, but clicking her once a turn, then eventually taking money lets me build up to trash Assets without spending much effort, if a server has no ice I only spend 1 click on ABR, and it is often the case once I cutlery/parasite them away.

I am not sure Dr Lovegood is worth it for just 1 card to blank.

5 Nov 2015 CodeDigger

Have you considered using Jak Sinclair since you're breaking ice without programs it seems he might be useful. The way I read the cards you can't use Always Be Running's ability during this beginning of turn run because you'd be spending your first on breaking a subroutine and not on running.

5 Nov 2015 Faceboy89

I really like this a lot! I might give it a try next time I have some friends over for Netrunner. It seems fun and quite surprising to play against. I would also like to try and find some ways to play these mini-faction cards out of faction. Perhaps it is because they're still so knew, but I have trouble wrapping my brain around what the mini-faction cards can really do out of faction, but I'm sure there are some really great combos. I agree with @tiedyedvortex Surfer would be a good addition to this deck. With surfer, I feel like you can get through pretty much anything. Have you thought about any multi-access?

5 Nov 2015 tf34

You should consider Amped Up. People might think they can score in a remote because you wont have the clicks to break everything. Amped up can solve that problem, and corps might not see it coming.

5 Nov 2015 Kamalisk

Well, Always be Running is sadly once per turn, so having more clicks doesn't help. And yes Jak Sinclar doesn't really work as you still need to run again on your next click. Not really sure what happens if you lose clicks from ice from a run from Jak, but it doesn't really work in this deck.

5 Nov 2015 tf34

Oh yeah whoops!

6 Nov 2015 mmc31

I would choose Hacktivist Meeting over spoilers any day. Also I like scrubber over Kati Jones with ABR.

6 Nov 2015 mawa

I wonder whether Paige Piper might be a good choice in that Spoilers slot: thins out your deck of the unique cards you're playing, and that means you get more ice destruction.

6 Nov 2015 Kamalisk

Not a big fan of Paige Piper, though Hacktivist meeting could work instead of spoilers. The reason I originally added Spoilers was because I had Apex's End the Run breaker, and needed installed cards to trash later in the game.