Karma Chameleon v1.7

paddosan 3408

I've been testing Chameleon in Hayley Kaplan a bit lately, and this is the current iteration. The basic idea is of course being able to run anywhere with little expense, since you don't have to raise the strength of your icebreakers.

With that said, a few informations about my choices:

  • no London Library for two reasons: it slows the deck down, and Sahasrara is ultimately better to avoid paying for installing Chameleon;
  • since there is no London Library, there are no Femme Fatales and I chose to have a single permanent icebreaker: Corroder, simply due to advanceable-strength barriers;
  • went for D4v1d over Femme Fatale because there's no LL, but also as a meta choice, since Blue Sun is quite relevant in the italian meta and breaking their Oversight AI + Curtain Wall combo cheaply was paramount (can't hope to win a credits rae with this deck);
  • no Replicator because while testing I found that it's definitely better to just go and draw a lot (Earthrise Hotel and Diesel), rather than waiting for Replicator to install all that stuff (LLDS Processor, Akamatsu Mem Chip, etc...);
  • added a single Déjà Vu because there's a lot of single copies, but also mostly to recover Autoscripter if it gets trashed;
  • a single Tyson Observatory can really help out when you just don't find that bloody Net-Ready Eyes or the last of your LLDS Processor and risk being left outside the door;
  • Test Run is great with Chameleon since it gets in your hand rather than on top of your stack, and it's of course great with D4v1d as well, so it's a win-win scenario;
  • Turntable is possibly the greatest Console to have right now, since it works wonderfully against NEH (steal their Astro with token!) or RP (steal their Nisei with token!) and can literally make you win, when you're lucky enough to switch a 3/1 for a 5/3;
  • concerning the economy, I initially went for Magnum Opus, but moved away from it due to memory problems, and went for Armitage Codebusting instead, which works much better;
  • Scheherazade is fantastic here, simply because it becomes a big credit maker once you're set up with both Chameleon and both Sahasrara, or it just lets you install both Chams for free, when you have only a single Sahasrara.

The deck works quite nicely, even if it obviously needs a bit of setup, and can't exactly risk being too aggressive too soon. Once you have a decent setup, however, there's little that can really stop you and almost all kinds of ice will be very cheap to pass.

Little Engine is the most annoying thing you might face in early game, and wasting D4v1d on it is not a good idea unless you really must... but it can become an ally in mid-to-late game, when you can reach strength 7 with your Chameleon.

Of course, with Corroder you might end up paying a lot against certain pieces of ice, but keep in mind that if a server only has 2 types of ice, you can just pick barrier for one of your 2 Chameleons. Or even install 3 of them, if you've got the memory.

A possible change, that would definitely help in early game, but might pose some memory problems, would be adding Datasucker, and two might be added by removing the Déjà Vu anyway.

Another change that I will definitely make later on is add a couple Film Critic, since I've also been testing that and it's a great card to have at the moment (kinda screws butcher shop decks).