Chain Reaction

Mad Tinkerer 228

The strategy is quite simple, build up and wait until you have a safe window to score an Agenda. Border Control and Embolus should give you that window in time.

Tech to be aware off:

Political Operative gets played a lot, mostly because it's very versatile and only 1 influence. -> Having a Border Control in front of HQ helps of course. Also scoring a Transport Monopoly will give good protection against it.

Light the Fire! -> Placing a Border Control in front of your remote server is the only way to deal with it.

26 Apr 2022 m.p

Transport Monopoly can be partially used against Light the Fire! too (it will blank the cards in the server, but it won´t trash them)

26 Apr 2022 Mad Tinkerer

@m.pYes, indeed but then he can access the cards and 2 is not a high trash cost for Embolus.