Joshulous Basanorazzizard

oldman 19

Mandatory irrelevant GIF (Mandatory irrelevant GIF)

Since the release of the MWL1.2, my passion of "eating every single piece of goddamn ice in sight" has been obliterated. Nuked from orbit. Cruelly shut down too soon, like the Club Penguin servers. But... I have a new dream.

Before Sifr, I had wanted to make an Obelus deck. And now, I have.

The deck revolves around taking tags and wearing them with pride. The more tags - the more hand size. I'm trying to come up with things to do with the tags at the moment. But you know, the Joshua B and Obelus synergy was too much to pass up on.

The breaker suite is... okay. I'd prefer to have a couple Faust, but for obvious reasons that's no longer tenable (#DontUseFaust). Force of Nature is only in the deck because I have no influence to spare and losing a fall guy feels like a very risky maneuver, more playtesting is required. The reason I run 3 graveyard breakers and 3 regular breakers is so the likelyhood of my X-type breaker being Arc Lockdown'd is quite low.

This deck does damage protection. Burn? No problem, the photographers take the flak. And the net damage is irrelevant if Obelus is doing it's job - but the Clan is back with a Vengeance. So, that's a covered front.

The event suite is a carry-on from my desire to kill all the ice in the world. Run Amok is just brilliant, especially when combo'd with an En Passant, killing ice either way. Spknorked are there to opportunistically kill any non-Architects you encounter, my plan is to trash them to bring them out with Same Old Thing later.

Whizzard because... He's Whizzard? And Levy is in here because I mill myself out pretty quickly personally, ymmv.

All feedback is greatly appreciated and please - Try it out for thyself if you're interested, it's very fun even if you lose.

24 Apr 2017 stevensonson

just swap out Force for another Orchestra. If one gets lockdownded, just install the other and pretend its regass.

Yes, Force of Nature is just that bad.

24 Apr 2017 oldman

@jimmius You are right. Force is really a piece of garbage

24 Apr 2017 lightburied

If you're using Obelus, which is better with tags, why throw in MarrĂ³n? The card draw? Well, Masanori can give you that. Maybe you can just slip some Earthrise Hotels in there?

24 Apr 2017 oldman

@lightburied Way I see it, if you don't draw into your tag protection soon enough, you'll have drawn into Aaron. Aaron can provide some protection for your rig if you need to be untagged, maybe if you don't have your fall guys out. And, his draw is on-demand as opposed to mandatory like Earthrise, which is good for some reason.

(I also don't own Earthrise Hotel)

25 Apr 2017 PureFlight

Are you damaging yourself for Clan Vengeance? Seems like there'd be more synergy for something like Counter Surveillance.

25 Apr 2017 oldman

@PureFlight Paparazzi against Weyland and burn NBN, Clan vengeance against red and purple. Also, Counter Surveillance requires X to be the number of tags you have, not anything less - so when I'm on 13 tags I don't want to be paying 13 for the run. It also doesn't combo with Hades Shard