The Average Kate (SSCI Top 16)

DrunkenGineer 855

There were 7 Kate decks in the Top 16 at the Stimhack Store Champs Invitational. This deck was created by counting all the instances of cards used by those seven decks and averaging them out. I took a little bit of artistic license to get the deck count up to 45:

  • Among the 7 decks, there were 4 instances of Utopia Shard, 11 of Scavenge, and 17 of Self-modifying Code. I rounded all of these up to 1, 2, and 3 cards in the deck, respectively.
  • There were 3 instances of Clot and 10 of Legwork. Because of influence and deck constraints, I had to round one of these up and the other down. As there's already a Legwork in the deck, I chose to round the Clot up. Really, this should be seen as 0.5 Clot and 1.5 Legwork.


  • R&D Interface: most players had either 0 or 2, which averaged to 1.
  • Cyber-Cypher: 4 players used two Cy-Cy as their only decoder, but one player stuck with Gordian, another with Zu/Torch, and the last with Zu and 1 Cy-Cy. The nine instances total averaged to 1 in this deck.

Other Average Decks

I compiled The Average RP from the SSCI as well. I think I'll do Average HB too.

14 Apr 2015 Claytron

This is a cool idea, thanks for putting this together!