Reg Noise

CodeMarvelous 20027

14 Jul 2016 x3r0h0ur

I'm feelin -1 yog +1 hades. Many smaller CGs just get parasited anyway, and hades is dank.

14 Jul 2016 Ralphus1701

Wow, it doesn't even look the same anymore. Are you sure Wyldside isn't worth the Influence hit?

4 Jan 2021 d4spien

Sorry for hijacking an old post but i dont know if theres a way to pm you here. I am an old player wanting to get back to the game. I was hoping if you can make a decklist for a noise deck using the current cardpool without limiting yourself to any restricted or banned list since this will be a casual deck anyway. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks.

5 Jan 2021 m.p

@d4spien Noise is rotated, so I´m not sure that he can make Noise deck from current cardpool, but NISEI printed a pseudo-Noise card named The Nihilist