D4rv1d, Free Spirit

arccollie 738

Competitive Quetzal, pre-O&C.

28 Jan 2015 Bananifier

You can also call it D4rw1n, but I've put a copyright on it!

Apart from that, it does seem like you are lacking some econ cards. Granted, Professional Contacts is good in that matter, but it's usually far more efficient when you have a high chance of drawing an economy event (Dirty Laundry, Lucky Find, other).

Besides, it does seem weird to be playing Keyhole AND Medium. With Incubator in your deck and Spinal Modem as your only source of MU, I would rather play 3xMedium and 1xNerve Agent (you'll be glad to have that one against NEH, and even RP in some cases).