C2RB Basic Reina

SecurityRake 15

Just messin' around. Pretty fun though.

28 Sep 2017 Krams

Tip: If you use Sure Gamble instead of Sure Gamble the deck is displayed as post-rotation.
The two cards are from different versions of the Core Set and NetrunnerDB identifies them as two different cards.

28 Sep 2017 Manadog

I can't imagine this deck needing 1 Levy, let alone 2. Do you find you get a lot of value from them?

28 Sep 2017 SecurityRake

Well firstly it's a pretty basic screw around build that is by no means concrete, just published to share. Second, I had one Trope and ended up relying on it very heavily in a good number of games. I had the inf and figured what the hell, put in the levys and they've been absolutely clutch. You're not always gonna be able to get on top of a Corp early on, and those keep you relevant late game. They also make sure you've got an out if they get your Maws into the bin somehow.

I've added Turning Wheels as well. Haven't tried yet, debating whether that or even just a single Makers/indexing would be better.