Murder murder murder

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Murder murder murder 2.0
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CZCuckoo 126

Just a test

13 Jun 2016 0j3t3c4l0r

Have you thought about Sentinel Defense Program?

15 Jun 2016 Friff14

I considered a deck like this myself, but the Corporate Troubleshooter-Brainstorm combo doesn't work against Faust decks (they just dump all their cards before encountering to increase its strength, then jack out). I mean, it still gets rid of their cards, but it doesn't do brain damage like you'd hope. Very very sad.

15 Jun 2016 CZCuckoo

I've considered Sentinel Defense, but really wanted to trim the agenda count down, since it's rough to reliably do brain damage. I've since switched the ice around to a NEXT suite. This gives cheaper ice, and the additional bonus of a Next Gold/Corporate Troubleshooter threat. With two possible ice to use corporate on, it widens the chance that I can get a kill shot in.


-3 Heimdal -3 Victor -2 Viper -2 Vikram +3 Next Silver +3 Next Bronze +2 Next Gold +2 Mother Goddess

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