[Neo] WWLT-KYL (we would like to know your location)

BraindmgPlus 2

Welcome to station WWLT-KYL affiliates!

Knowing Your Location, so you don't have to.

Kill Your Loneliness, by loading HQ up with your new digital friends! They laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and....uh oh, watch out for Hypoxia!

Know Your Lines! Behold! Be prepared to Pivot to maximum fun, Orbital Superiority, Freedom of Information, or maybe a special Shipment from Vladsibirsk? Tomorrow's Headline is yours!

Kiss Your Lover, show them who the Bellona of your heart is! Prove your devotion through constant Oppo Research and Mindscape them into your own personal Spin Doctor! The stars align, and all signs point to your Predictive Planogram leading to your heart's Public Trail. ;)

Keep Your Laughter! AMAZEing Amusements are here, thanks to all the Starlit Knights in our Oracle Thinktank. A real Funhouse (all fun is mandatory and must be had)!

All your friends will love you because they will have no other choice! Sign up today!