WWLTKYL (we would like to know your location)

BraindmgPlus 2

Welcome to station WWLT-KYL affiliates!

Knowing Your Location, so you don't have to!

This deck is 100% a work in progress in preparation for looming standard rotation. 2x Bellona for something else will be one of the only changes required when Dawn drops.

I wanted to accomplish two things with this one, a deck that uses Reality Plus for the ID and a deck that consists mostly of operations! Oppo Research really shines here and can leave the runner in a hilarious (to the corp) situation where they take 5 tags, 1 core dmg, and -1 click on your turn. This is usually fatal to the runner!

The deck can flatline the runner almost any time you can get to 3 tags. Can score 4 agenda points or more in 1 turn if they have 2 tags, and 1 tag is enough make them tremble in their rigs!