Qu'est-ce que c'est

famebyproxy 111

What I want to do is Psycho out a Private Security Force and then just click meat damage all day.

What usually ends up happening is I Psycho-Beale on a smallish server with an Ash.

Either way is fine, but I'm sure it could use improvement...and a playset of Bad Times

9 Jul 2014 M3th

Maybe i will try: + 1 data raven which is a very annoying ice for who doens't want to play tag me, +2 toolboth to protect your hq/Rd depending who you're matching up. I'm not a big fan of draco and shadow now, easily breakable so maybe another wraparound.

9 Jul 2014 famebyproxy

Thanks for the feedback,@M3th! I appreciate the thoughts from a non-"tag me" perspective, as most of my games have been against players who didn't seem to care much (or be able to do much) about the tags.

I think I might try +1 Tollbooth…2 seems like a bit much, as I'm trying to keep my ICE costs on the lower side and make use of my 2 recurring Trace credits to enforce the ETRs on Caduceus, Dracō, and Viper. Not sure what I'll pull yet...

I've tried this deck with 2 and 3 Data Ravens, and found them excessive. One seems enough in most cases, and it's not a "must have" ICE so including more seems unnecessary.

You're right that Shadow and Dracō are easy to break without pumping them, but that's sort of missing the point. Dracō can be rezzed at the desired strength…usually I'll push it up just enough to be taxing. Shadow can be advanced…I've had good luck using Matrix Analyzer to do so, and could even Psycho'd if necessary.

9 Jul 2014 famebyproxy

Thanks for the feedback,@M3th! I appreciate the thoughts from a non-"tag me" perspective, as most of my games have been against players who didn't seem to care much (or be able to do much) about the tags.

I think I might try +1 Tollbooth…2 seems like a bit much, as I'm trying to keep my ICE costs on the lower side and make use of my 2 recurring Trace credits to enforce the ETRs on Caduceus, Dracō, and Viper. Not sure what I'll pull yet...

I've tried this deck with 2 and 3 Data Ravens, and found them excessive. One seems enough in most cases, and it's not a "must have" ICE so including more seems unnecessary.

You're right that Shadow and Dracō are easy to break without pumping them, but that's sort of missing the point. Dracō can be rezzed at the desired strength…usually I'll push it up just enough to be taxing. Shadow can be advanced…I've had good luck using Matrix Analyzer to do so, and could even Psycho'd if necessary.

10 Jul 2014 M3th

You're welcome @jeremyorion.

I used to play a NBN deck, based on tagging runners, wich can equally score (psychographic or astro train), closed account or scorched.I play it during 4/5 months in different tournaments. My comments were from it. I agree that 3 data raven is too much, but 2 was for me the good choice. I was always fine to draw it, at the beginning or soon in the game because runners don't want to be tag too early, or if they do, all good for me. Data raven is not very expensive and goes well with this ID in my opinion.

According to your econ, i think your deck can handle 2 toolboth, which are one of the best ice too keep your rd/hq (choose your need) safe, taxing the runners, annoying for yog, and giving you time to prepare your game plan. If you want to be sure of it, maybe i'll do : - 1 closed account, - 1 psychographic, and +1 hedge fund +1 midseason ( very useful for psycho) or +1 interns (to get back Ash in a remote). I really think 3 psycho is a bit to much.

As i told you before, i think some of your ice won't be usefull, even with the ability of your id...just because they're low strenght, so easy to break (Analyste Matriciel Chasseur Dracō Ombre). And as people know that isn't good to be tag against NBN, it's pretty sure they will be broken, for few. If the runner run, you want him to pay as much as possible if he doesn't want to be tagged. Eli 1.0 Vipère Ichi 1.0 and Caducée don't tag, but are perfect in that way.

Right, shadow can be advanced, but sometimes you don't have time to do it, because it's loosing tempo and you need it to score. For draco, i used to slot it, but it never convinced me, maybe i didn't know how to play it well. But here again, sometimes your rez it, but don't have enough credits to pump it as much as you should to bother runners, or you need this credits deeply for anything else. Maybe Chasseur could be used, because very cheap and could be surprising when facechecked, and trace 5 at least. But an important fact is that a rich runner can go through the ices with trace without breakers, and if you dont have money, they'll pass. Could be an issue sometimes.

So maybe you can find another way to tag runners while they spend money to run your servers : with traps for example (ghost branch), or upgrade ( bernice mai), event (sea source) , agenda (TGBT). I played data raven midseason and TGTB in my deck, that was always usefull.

Here is only my opinion :)