ASA Týr-FC3-Ganked! shenanigans (Worlds 4-3)

Xtreme 164

This is the deck I took to my very first Worlds after playing Netrunner for less than a year.

I managed to be placed in the top half with 21 points which I’m super stoked about. This deck is my own creation, but a big thanks to my local meta and AxWill for fine-tuning and testing it. A special thanks to my dear friend Dave (Ghost Meat) for introducing me to the game and helping me prepare for Worlds.

This ASA deck is not the typical asset spam deck, that is floating around in the meta at the moment. This deck is built around Ganked! that is such a great card not seen in the current meta due to not being fully implemented on Jnet (I’m sure it would if it was) and can be a big surprise-factor for the runner. Due to a focus on upgrade rather than assets, this is more a glacier-type ASA deck, where the ID-ability is used to install ICE or Agendas with Ganked!.

Ganked! works best paired with Týr or Fairchild 3.0 (Drafter+Ganked! is also a good hit to re-install Ganked! if the runner cannot break the subs again). Týr+Ganked! is the primary support in the scoring server (or where the pressure is highest), where Fairchild 3.0 is for the central servers. A rezzed Fairchild 3.0, where the runner clicked through it to later access Ganked! were actually pretty practical due to the brain damage instead of end the run. Marcus Batty is that extra spice and support to Týr that really can make the runner cry if you can pull it off.

Since there is more focus on Upgrade support and expensive ICE, the econ is built around Hedge Fund, IPO, NGO Front, and Rashida rather than Violet Level Clearance and Fully Operational.

Big thanks to NISEI for keeping this game alive. I’m happy to be introduced to this game just one year ago, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the fantastic work NISEI had done.