Watergate v0.1

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Forked Watergate v0.1
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WardOfTheWoods 711

A lot of people see Valencia as "Blackmail runs: the deck," and while that could be true for some builds, for others that bad pub means free money every run. Personal Workshop is a big investment for 4 influence, but if you get it out and start giving the Corp bad publicity, that's just free money to Workshop breakers and viruses out mid-run. In early playtesting with friends on OCTGN, I've fairly consistently given corps an additional 4-5 bad publicity, which means free Parasites on ICE that you can kill with saved Datasucker tokens mid-run, or get those extra breakers out.

The deck has consistency issues, so I might consider adding cards like Inject and other draw cards so I hit important things quicker. Another problem is wasting whole turns to make 10 credits or give bad publicity, which against fast decks like NEH Astrotrain can hurt big time.

Feedback is always appreciated.

18 Dec 2014 moistloaf

you're running Personal Workshop without Stimhack ? but why......

let me rephrase: you're running Anarch without Stimhack?!

18 Dec 2014 caesar

Has Leverage ever fired? I feel like the corp will only take the BP if they can win by flatline next turn and otherwise it's useless.

19 Dec 2014 king_mob

Yeah a stimhack may help, to be honest though the addition may be thinner than you imagine. Its an obvious combo with pw but with the bad pub and the average cost of the programs in this deck I think youd see its effectiveness a few times at most.

I really like this deck, its nice to see people trying bold stuff with the new IDs and I think this works. Have you considered something like order of sol and reworking the deck to run happily with low credits? Bad pub + order of sol = 3 credits a turn if you run and install out of turn. You could deploy moat of your programs within a turn like that. Steelskin would help running like this, and you could throw in dirty laundry to make it a money run too.

Still, this looks wicked fun to play.

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