Khan of Puns

Difrakt 20

Alternatively, AndromeKhan, BrahmaKhan, Breaking Khan Entering, Khan of Jank, etc etc. get it all out of your system.

People were bitching about Khan being massively underwhelming and I set out to prove them 100% true. That's why we're starting with Andromeda and Rebirthing into Khan (seriously, 12 influence? Why ever start with an ID with 12 influence when you can do this).

This deck is built around Brahman for cheap and easy accesses so pull that with special order as soon as you can afford it. After that we sort of piece together a massively awkward jank engine that is FUNCTIONAL in pieces, but gets stronger as you assemble all the parts. Brahman+ B&E suite allows you to get cheap accesses early on by recycling B&Es (do NOT trash them unless you can guarantee an important access), partly because accessing cards is nice, but mostly because you want to deny the corp economy and rezing ice is one way to do that (trash those sexy bot campaigns too). Obviously ignore this part of you're running against NBN because you always have to play solitaire against NBN until you have more money than they do (never) that's just how the game works.

So once we have the central pearl of Brahman and B&E going we build outwards in an ever growing spiral of jank. Oracle May combos with Brahman for money instead of lost tempo due to Brahman's stacking effect. Scheherazade makes installing B&Es free or +1 credit for Shiv, Technical Writers are infinite burst money (and since you're installing recurred B&Es it will be a LOT of money), Autoscripter offsets one install click per turn which is just gravy.

And then you pull Rebirth, and Khan's TRUE POWER shows itself. And it's like, moderately efficient. Now Brahman kind of runs itself, B&Es are free (or +1 credit if you lucked upon Scheherazade). Autoscripter basically refunds you one click, but if you have all these pieces chances are you're looking at 9-12 pieces of ice spread across 3-4 servers (2 centrals, at least one scoring server and maybe a taxing asset server).

I'll be honest with you guys, this deck is never STRONG. But it's also never weak either, and that's actually kind of powerful in its own sense. Early on when centrals are 1 ice each and remotes are 1 ice and nothing is above str 4 you can usually force an access while having some extra . This means ice needs to be rezzed, and usually this is enough to keep their sex bots unrezzed, or trashed, etc. when there's a few pieces of ice you either have some economy, some of the jank pieces I mentioned earlier, or draw and so you can pick between getting more accesses or rushing a bigger board state while the corp tries to keep you out. Finally when you're at the end game you will still have all of your B&E pieces, as well as technical writers with 10+ on them so it becomes a classic bluff game where you have limited but guaranteed accesses. If you were oppressive on those remotes all game then slap down those HQ interfaces and go win with the agendas that backed up in HQ.

A deck that is never strong, but never weak. Except against NEH/team sponsorship rush, there you'll get your butt pushed in so you might as well enjoy it. But tbh I actually don't know how to beat that at all anyway.

Someone else can maybe refine this into something that's a bit more functional, I'm just here for the jank. Major weaknesses of the deck include: str 6+ ice, for which i included D4v1d (Brahman synergy!) but its NOT tutorable with special order so if you're facing blue sun then you have to pull fast for it. Rush (probably because I'm always including too little economy) and my own tendency to run headfirst into while playing thousand-cut jinteki (that's my own problem though).

Try it out though, it's quite fun to play, and the corp player will have to scoop their jaw off the floor before beating you to death with it.

And if they're NBN just ditch Khan entirely and rebirth into Ian so you can maybe but probably not run without getting HHN'd/midseasonsed to death.

16 Aug 2016 CactusJack

@DifraktWow! That's pretty clever!

16 Aug 2016 PureFlight

What about...Khandromeda?
