Single-core HB Glacier

Ranamar 9

I'm a new player just getting into Netrunner, so I'm only working off of a single core box. I'm building this kind of in a vacuum in preparation for a local game store Netrunner event whose nature I am a little unsure about. (I suspect it is just a time to play Netrunner. I'm certainly not aiming at a tournament here.)

This is what I suspect is a classic push-out-tons-of-ice deck. Accelerated Beta Test and Priority requisition let us cheat out ICE cheap, which is particularly important for Archer. With the exception of Ichi 1.0, every single ICE has a line ending the run. Some of it is cheap, and then it ramps up farther. Meanwhile, you should be trying to advance stuff; Biotic Labor is great for hard-advancing things, particularly Accelerated Beta Test to ramp up to a good fortress. (This is also one of the two best ways to get Archer out, the other being Priority Requisition.)

I have a small amount of tagging stuff (Data Raven, Ichi 1.0) for the purpose of giving Private Security Force teeth, but PSF is really only there because I need all of the core set agendas to hit the point requirements.

1 Nov 2015 haywire

For a Core-Set only Deck, this looks pretty solid. :)

2 Nov 2015 Ranamar

I've been messing with it a bit more before going there and made a few changes, actually... took Data Raven and 2x Wall of Thorns out for Ice Wall (wanted a bit more cheap rig-check ice for the early game) and Akitaro Watanabe. We'll see how it goes. I feel like there's something solid in cheating out expensive Ices, but I felt like I usually ended up just having a pile of them lying around.

17 Dec 2015 raphe_nuclei

Came across your HB after making one of my own (single-core). Since we are already leaning on Agendas to rez ice I stripped out a lot of the Asset-driven economy. I'm not sure if that throws the balance off too much or not, but so far it's performing against single-core runners. Check it out: