Major 'Macho'

themaninthehighcastle 83

Yikes! This is a slightly different take on Tennin. I figure what's good for Trump is good for netrunner. Just like Trump, I intend to win through outright fear and lies. Unlike trump, this deck has no bullshit pretensions of building a great big wall. Unusually for Tennin, quite the opposite. 'Why play Tennin in that case?' you may ask. Well, I intend to keep the runner out through fear..

The idea behind this deck came from playing kmxnsxn 'Heads, you loose'. I loved the bullshitery of Mushin No Shining naked Cerebral Overwriters out and daring the runner to run them. When I saw Project Kusanagi, I knew the bullshit potential had been racked up an another level. The idea is quite simple. Ice up your centrals and score an over advanced Project Kusanagi. I'd be looking to Mushin it out for four and then make a call about whether you can get away with knocking it up to seven. All the while, you're bullshiting your opponent that it's an Cerebral Overwriter or a Project Junebug. Once you have your Kusanagi sorted you'r already to set up your scoring server. Pop down a DNA tracker (or any of the multi sub pieces of ice) and wait for the run. Pull off agenda counters one by one to double then double again (and again and again etc.) the sub routines. Once you've shown the runner what that's all about they aren't going to go anywhere near that shit without a stack load of cards and cash. With 12 burst econ cards you should be fine for credits. Back Channels is there to make you a ton of credits off your failed traps. Pop those Tennin tokens on these and just wait to turn them into credits.