Somewhat Modernism [1st Place (2-1-0) @ Common Ground Games

HallucinogenicApplesauce 350

Somewhat Modernism

The Dallas meta is back! 29 amazing people showed up for our CO, putting us back into peak numbers back in the old FFG days. Also, really cool to see some of the Austin crew show up. Many thanks to the TOs for setting it all up and keeping it running smoothly! The real highlight of the day was someone actually falling into a Superdeep Borehole. Some say he's still falling to this day.


Obviously inspired from Metropole Grid's Built to Blast mixed with his other BtL list, "PD?". Is this deck better? Most likely not, but it brought me back to the old days of Supermodernism.

The Changes

I think some of the obvious changes to me with the Built to Blast decklist was swapping out Rashida with NGO and Oaktown with Offworld Office to further incentivize the install + advance shell game while still getting money.

The more controversial changes were removing a Public Trail and Spin Doctor for a Manegarm Skunkworks and Descent. I knew I didn't want three Public Trail, but I just didn't know what to spend two influence on. I really wanted a defensive upgrade, but Bio Vault didn't feel right to me for some reason. So I committed the ultimate sin of not fully paying for the NBN influence tax. I am almost 100% wrong with this decision, but I never got around to testing alternatives. I'll try a Bio Vault or Mestnichestvo in a future iteration.

The Play

Well. It's Supermodernism. Threaten the kill while scoring out as fast as you can. Just make sure you always have the money to threaten it. With both NGO and Charlotte, it's really easy to bait out runs and just get value out of it after they pay to get in. It's a great way to make credit swings. One important thing to remember is to not nurse Charlotte for too long. It's often correct to use her once and then replace her with another copy just to keep the momentum and pressure going.

Round 2 vs Kit

First corp game of the tourney and first loss. It was a super weird game where I slow rolled a City Works Project and proceeded to never see another agenda for the rest of the game as 6 of them were sitting on the bottom along side all three Charlottes. Which is a recipe to get rolled over by the Shaper late game. Ah well.

Round 4 vs Esa

Esa did her thing while I did my thing. Thanks to the low agenda density and a Spin Doctor, there was only two agendas that were stolen from sabotage hits. This was the matchup I felt validated by including Retribution as I was able to take out his Begemont and slow him down enough to score out.

Round 6 vs Hoshiko

Early game money helped me keep everyone's favorite Sailor Moon cosplayer at bay as best as you can hope for. Then they took the City Works Project + Angelique bait and I cracked back with the kill combo in hand. Sorry Toron.