Are You Ever Not Going To Fall For That?

Grimwalker 638

Post Rotation build, through Blood & Water. Beanstalk Royalties are holding the spot for 2 Mass Commercialization.

Basic idea with this deck is to put Anson Rose behind any piece of ice--advanceable is better but if you don't have one handy, any will do really. They don't know that. Let him charge up, then let the runner faceplant Destroyers--ideally Colossus. It works amazingly well if they don't respect the power of Voltron. It works almost as well if they do. Once he has 3 or more tokens I almost never see runners go and trash him.

The Agenda mitigation plan in a post-Jackson world is mostly Special Report, but Preemptive Action will do if you have the nerve. (An earlier build ran Reuse but I didn't have room for enough of them for that combo, and having to commit your whole turn to clearing HQ is never easy.)

That said, your mission is to find and score Armored Servers. If you can do that, your job gets much easier. Use Snare to keep them honest in the usual Postmodernist style. Then run out the clock until you have Government Takeover, and NA it with Couriers for the win. Or just score out normally, I'm not picky.*

As always, all feedback is desired and welcome.

  • I'm being a bit cheeky, it's not at all common to RPC a GTO. If RPC shows up it can close out the game a turn earlier with whatever your final agenda is. If that happens to be GTO, yahtzee! But if you get a scoring window for another agenda, do it.
16 Jun 2017 Manadog

If you're going to bank on a FA Govt Takeover you need a CVS or something. Right now you just lose to clot right? Also fitting in hostiles seems to make a lot of sense in a Takeover deck. Why not make the 7th point easy? It's not flashy like Armored Servers but it'll win more.

16 Jun 2017 Grimwalker

There's no Fast Advance tech in the deck, so Clot is never an issue. When you're on less than four points, an installed, un-advanced card presents no immediate threat, so they are highly likely to take a turn to prep since I've got a lot of treacly ice, and hopefully some Armored Servers, Anson, even Firmware tokens to make their life complicated.

RPC is a triple, so you just Never-Advance it. Install it, the runner assumes it's either a Snare, yet another Marilyn, or at most a 3/1 or 3/2. Next turn GG.

But honestly I rarely get to both GTO and RPC in hand at the same time. When I win, it's far more common to just score 7 points honestly, with RPC serving to rush out the final score in two turns rather than three.

If I have to be honest I was being cheeky in the deck description. GTO is being played here mostly just for the reduction in agenda density, it's not at all a critical win condition. (Leaning on drawing 2 1x cards is a bad plan.) I just didn't want to put it in the deck with no plan at all for scoring it. As such, HTO isn't really necessary.