Mulch Freedom (26th UK Nats)

hemraa 224

Based on coldlava's Worlds Freedom list Mulch ado about No-Ice

Having already been playing Freedom before Worlds, coldlava's list was most like what I was already playing and suited my play style. My changes were: - Raindrops Cut Stone, - 1 Pinhole Threading, - 1 Dr Nuka, +1 Hermes, +1 Yusuf. I wanted a second Hermes as I found it really useful for slowing down the corp or open up windows to attack centrals. Yusuf is there to help against Barrier heavy corps and reduce the chance of glacier lockout, it is also an anti asset spam card the keep generating virus counters while checking remotes.

Freedom has a good or at least decent match up into R+ which I was expecting a lot of, and it can deal with a lot of random corp BS pretty well even if you don't know exactly what they are up to. It's big weakness however is glacier decks that are able to ice centrals and purge to lock you out.