Mulch ado about No-Ice (40th at worlds)

coldlava 323

Mulch is trademarked by QTM Inc. Although some of these cards may resemble a mulch deck, coldlava is not associated with, or endorsed by QTM Inc

Don't be fooled by the orange ID or the inclusion of 3 simulchip, this deck is a criminal through and through. Your number one goal is to deny the corp econ: modern corps don't have enough operation econ to sustain their large ice rezes. So if you can crack the remote early, prevent their Rashida Jaheem, Regolith Mining License, and especially Charlotte Caçador from firing, they won't be able to afford to re-ice the server you just destroyed on the way in. And hey, many ice with a Botulus on it is as good as destroyed as well. My list was based off an earlier version of this list from Koga. I was not getting along with the LilyPAD so I took it and stole ideas from crew hosh and tag me freedom.

Isn't Aumakua anti-synergistic with freedom?

Yes, very much so. But you can pretty reliably get it to 1 counter which is enough to help you deal with all the one strength ice that is in pretty much every deck. Just getting by those for 1 credit instead of having to spend the crew is good enough. Audrey v2 may be better for a freedom deck but at 2 MU we either need a different console or to give up on Stargate. It may be worth taking a look at what Muntal Bost took to wolds to see their take on a list with that.

48 cards? Why are you over?

Mainly because I couldn't find the cuts. I tried cutting to 45 a few ways and each time the deck felt worse. I'm confident there is a way to cut to 45 but I don't know what it is. It may be the Labor Rights but that is really nice for the AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World and Weyland Consortium: Built to Last matchups though it is dead in most others. I also tried no Raindrops Cut Stone but having 1 credit econ, draw, and pressure in a deck that runs very low to the ground is hard to give up.

While this deck did go 3-4 and getting 40th was somewhat carried by the 5-2 corp (which was Jai's Asa), I still believe in the deck. Of the 4 losses, only the game I played on stream really felt like the deck wasn't working well. And watching it back I made many mistakes and misplays. The three other losses included a game loss due to going over MU in a tight game, a misplay on my part leading to a turn 2 or 3 Public Trail End of the Line kill, and then an extremely tight game against one of my best friends in the Netrunner community and played extremely well to force 6 points through while I was searching for the last agenda.

The non-decklist stuff:

This is my first world championship and it has been great to go around and meet so many people I have only ever interacted with online. I'd like to thank both TAIB and my other friends for helping me prepare and otherwise test my decks. Aureates, Redino, and Not Again all helped me keep going and improve for the 2 years I've known them and have been great friends and very helpful over the last few months. Everyone in TAIB has also been extremely welcoming, knowledgeable, and helpful over the past few months, especially in the lead up to worlds. I need to thank Jai giving m the confidence to swap to Asa Friday night at the last minute, The King and SebK for being late night grinding partners, and everyone else in the TAIB I met this weekend for being great to talk to and encouraging between rounds. I'd also like to thank all my opponent over the weekend. Everyone was great to meet and play against. I'm pretty happy with 40th for my first worlds and I'm excited for next year.

22 Oct 2024 HaverOfFun

Wooooo! Great finish mate!

22 Oct 2024 aureates

The deck is solid, but you're an even more solid player. For a first Worlds this was an incredible showing. I'm very proud to see you come this far as a player. Our game was one of the most memorable in years for me, it was a riot. Congratulations!

22 Oct 2024 Jahan

Congrats on the placement! i was rooting for you and to make it to the second day at all is really impressive. And thanks in general for running the NJ netrunner meetups, it's awesome to have a community of such nice people to play with.

But, i think you made a mistake in this decklist writeup, it looks like in the large ice section you forgot to mention Týr...?

22 Oct 2024 RayS

@Jahan makes a good point. How did you tech for the Thunderbolt matchup? (/j)

Congrats on a great finish!!!

23 Oct 2024 DeeR

no ow ow not my precious econ i was running so many good econ cards in my corp i'd hate to see them trashed then I'd have to click for credits how embarrassing

Phenomenal deck, looks like it slaps. How did TAIB find Ice Carver in the archetype?

23 Oct 2024 coldlava

It's good, it's just a slots issue. I know The King found a slot for one in his Hosh. There were versions of this deck that had it but it just got cut at some point. I contemplated going to 49 with it but I already hated being at 48.

24 Oct 2024 xdg

Congrats on a great run! I look forward to seeing how we can iterate on it.

25 Oct 2024 Myriad

Congrats on the deck! I had a blast in our Asa vs Esa game. It was wonderful to meet you.