
Lttlefoot 1285

You want to flatline the runner with two Neurospikes? On the previous turn, either IAA an Azef, or IA and Dedication a City Works. Ice will keep the runner out, with border control and magnet dealing with various one-of tricks, Dedication Hortum blocking AI, and Archer having less of a drawback since you aren't usually trying to get points

Malapert can find a spike on the same turn you score your killing agenda, but you could also use malapert much earlier with a hostile takeover to gather neurospikes and then it doesn't matter if the runner trashes it later. NGO front can fake the runner out to help create scoring windows, or you can create them with real agendas as long as you have a backup agenda ready

7 Jun 2022 Hamsan

This looks like fun! Is there a particular reason you chose Ice Wall over Akhet, for instance?