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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Shortly after jacking in you meet up with the rest of your playgroup in the recently rendered virtual construct your DM has been wire-framing all weekend.
Today you continue your raid into into ARC//node.01304
Probing the corridors that pesky pageboy Eli keeps trying to distract you, getting you to take wrong turns. Luckily he is intimidated by that morning-star you looted last week and he goes away for one gold.
The login gates keep killing the lights deep in the server. You meta-chat your friend over in the UK. He's using the public library to play tonight since Wayland killed power to his block to "save on energy costs". He hides a torch in the recycle server of the library which is easy to retrieve through a backdoor in the corporate subnet.
That hooded archer whips around a corner aiming a poisoned arrow right at you. If it hits, you'll drop the weapons your carrying, you can find them again by searching the rest of the room, if you need to. But you're a proactive adventurer and decided to test the razor wire you've been working on, it's not all the way ready so you have to borrow some code from your deleted files (or the corps).
All your weapons have a higher than normal encumbrance value, but you took extra stamina points for that reason. Worst case scenario, you brought 3 endurance potions if things get to heavy, like your alchemy spell-book.
You can tell some shit is about to hit the fan, because your DM is looking restless. You turn to your buddy, the mage, his avatar; a woman with huge glowing blue eyes. You tell him to buff your weapons as you open the next door.
Crossing into this new room you see three doors. You know that if you can get through each of them you'll be able to Finnish this quest.
What are you doing?
The idea for this deck is very simple : Install huge breakers for 3 credits each. The corp might figure out what you're doing after your second big breaker, if they do then you just have to install the hard way.
Card choices:
London Library: Allows you to install a breaker for free and pressure a server, it also helps you get your breakers into the garbage, where you want them.
Quest Completed: Is mostly there for flavor but it can come in handy.
Snowball: Is there in case you have to get through any 7+ barriers.
Other than that it's pretty straightforward netrunner. GL:HF
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