This is just Lobstermodernism with:
Euros record:
It was a hectic day and I didn't manage to take notes or maintain much of a strong recollection about my matches. I had to drop after round 6 of 8 as I had other unavoidable commitments, although I would have loved to keep playing.
Round four was perhaps the most exciting game, as we only had 12 minutes following a long runner game. I managed to end my turn one second before time was called, giving my opponent chances to win on his turn, then scored an Atlas to go to 7 on my final turn.
Overall the deck performed well, even though I don't think I got an Atlas counter until round 5. Three of my wins were through scoring agendas and only one (round 6) was a kill.
My runner performance wasn't great compared to this (1-5) and I was in place 160 or so when I dropped (last match was on table 81, and I split), but dropped to 199th after the last two Swiss rounds. With only four months of Netrunner experience and 3 GNKs before Euros I was still reasonably happy overall with this placing.