Pimp v1.2

siowy 187

The whole deck is just card draw to draw into money and multi-access and ways to install your femmes and change their targets. Oracle has a good chance to hit events.

25 Jul 2014 Alsciende

That's ballsy ^^ Is Easy Mark really worth more than more copies of Oracle May?

25 Jul 2014 siowy

I had 2 copies of Oracle May before, but cut 1 after playing games with it. I think you want 1.5 copies of Oracle May. Either 1 or 2 is okay, though. Oracle also combos with raw test run without scavenge, You just name program.

Easy Mark is super good though. The success of the deck hinges on getting enough econ while you draw through the deck.

25 Jul 2014 PaxCecilia

Have you encountered a deck that has a scoring server with 4 ICE?

25 Jul 2014 PaxCecilia

Have you encountered a deck that has a scoring server with 4 ICE?

25 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

it hurts the oracle power, but improves the attack power of the deck, I would whole heartedly add 2-3 atman.

25 Jul 2014 siowy

@PaxCeciliaYou'd be surprised how long it takes to setup a scoring server with 4 rezzed non-sentry ETR/must-break ice with the decks in the meta now. They would have to have 4 rezzed non-sentry ETR ice on R&D, HQ and the scoring remote to lock the deck out.

@x3r0h0urI've thought about and tried adding in 1 Atman, replaced it with 1 Alpha, and then realised that none of those were usually necessary. Just having multiple femmes is surprisingly effective.

A lot of the corp decks now don't just test the runner on their ability to break ice. It tests the runner's ability to generate credits to (steal NAPD)/(trash sansan/pad campaign/sundew/mental health clinic)/(play future perfect games). The balance of generation of creds and being able to break ice is delicate, but I think this is close to the right balance.

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