leela Patel - no breakers

x3r0h0ur 8976

As a joke, I decided to try to make a deck that has no breakers. Will be trying it shortly.

Currently it has 3 major issues. Wraparound, lotus field, and blue sun. I also don't care too much, this is as Timmy a deck as it comes. Also, no multi access, but if the ice is light you should be able to hit some server every turn. Ya know, or not.

The idea is to insta parasite ice while floating a ton of suckers. The current keeps the corp from layer ice too thick, so try to always have it. With SoT and deja you should be good to keep it going. Autoscriptor works with savior to get you a bonus click to use trimaf. Two trimafs and youre ready to install a virus from hand.

Should have a ridiculously long set up time, which is why its actually non viable. Also 2 breach or aurora would help to deal with wraparound, but I like to see all 3s.

Forged orders with cortex, shutdown and forged, and the id should make itva pain in the ass to keep ice on the table.

Console could probably just be doppelganger too.

22 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

I think Sneakdoor Beta & Feint could good additions they would help with getting Emergency Shutdown and extra access's.

I think id be inclined to go for a blackmail sort of approach my self though.

22 Oct 2014 x3r0h0ur

Seems like good adds. If my OCD will let me break it up, 2 sneakdoor seems like a good use of the extra MU. Feint might be good to replace DL if money isn't an issue, which is probably will be.

23 Oct 2014 Two_EG

OMG that cortez chip!

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