Laramy Fisk Control 1.0

say200426 623

Do you want to (invest)draw cards when you are poor?

Don't worry, our invest analyst will force you to (invest)draw cards!

Siphon them till they die, if they don't vamp them!

Trying to imagine that, you have an investment seminar in the morning with the corp, double Siphon their money at lunch time, and Vamp their money when you about going home.

Now, the corp have 10 cards in their hand after the mandatory draw, no credits left in their account, then the corp risked the possibility of going default, so they spent their day on collecting money(clicking for credits...), and throw all the projects you guys talked about in the seminar.

The next dawn, you draw free cards for your Vigil, then you legged work into the HQ checking the archive, finding all the evil project the corp is going to do, wins you a game!

Edit: This list is wrong... No legwork is so stupid...

-1 Dirty Laundry -1 Plascrete -1 Faerie +3 Legwork

13 Jun 2015 Jashay

Whilst that would be glorious, it's something of an ideal situation. Nice combos with Vigil, though.

Also, you cannot Legwork into HQ if you have no Legwork in the deck. You are reliant on them not having a Jackson Howard in play for your archives dig to come off.

If that doesn't win you the game, you are stuck accessing single cards from here and there; you have no multi-access.

I like the concept, and I think Laramy Fisk will be interesting, but your deck seems like it would only get one shot at pulling off the combo before being ground out.

13 Jun 2015 say200426

Oh, gosh I forgot putting Legwork into this deck, how stupid I am!?

Thanks for your reply...

14 Jun 2015 ANRguybrush

The vigil draw is neat, but desperado is wayyy too good, especially with security testing, suckers and fisk.

That's 4 influence for r&d interface or second corroder+third vamp.

14 Jun 2015 Dydra

I would slot Gorman Drip v1 to abuse them clicking for credits.