Parasital Nightmare

Ratatosk 71

This is the (I think) fifth Iteration of a deck built around the idea of recurring parasites.
It has been built using only the Cards available in one copy of the Core Set, that's why you will only find two Datasuckers and Djinns, instead of three.
As only ICE-breaker there are two copies of Wyrm (probably would be three as well, if I had a second Core Set). I think Wyrm performs quite nicely in this deck, as you do not want to use him to break subroutines but rather decrease the ICE strength to zero (in combination with ICE Carver and Datasucker tokens) so that your Parasites kill the ICE.
I found this to be quite efficient. By hosting the Parasites on Personal Workshop or by getting them out of the heap with my Clone Chips, I can use them either mid-run on nasty ICE or I can just not do so, if the ICE can be broken rather cheaply by Wyrm or if the effects of the ICE are not so drastic.

This deck has no direct means of credit denial mechanisms involved. The only thing (as always with Noise) is that you might trash important economy-cards from R&D.

What I hope for, when I run with this deck, is that I get one of my Wyldsides out early and hope for getting Djinn and Wyrm fast on my grip, as I have no ways of tutoring them. Of course, early Personal Workshop + Grimoire + Cyberfeeders are amazing.

Another nice start would be something like: Datasucker + Datasucker + Gorman Drip v1.0 + Dirty Laundry on archives. Apart from getting your Datasuckers loaded you might already steal the first Agenda :)

What I particularly like about this deck, is that it is quite flexible. Due to the fact that you usually destroy the ICE your opponent rezzes, you do not need that much economy. However, there is quite a lot of it in the deck, just so that you are able to also use your Wyrm if you want to save the parasites for later.
The corp really needs to secure all three of his central as you do have Mediums and Nerve Agents in order to dig deeply into the centrals. Without Jackson Howard, the archives will be your destination to run after a couple of rounds. With Imp you can trash the ICE before it is installed, bringing the Corp into even more trouble, as he loses means to secure his servers.

I'd be more than happy to receive some feedback on this deck. I am pretty sure, that the exchange of 3 Surges with 1 Wyrm, 1 Djinn & 1 Datasucker might further improve the strength and flexibility.
22 Nov 2013 NetEldrogo

Isn't Grimoire a must have for a recurring parasites deck ? I would probably play at least 2. And I'm not sure the ice destruction type is fitting noise. It works when you have SMC+CC+TestRun. PW is a nice idea but I wouldn't play it without stimhack. Have you tried smc instead ? 2 SMC and that would free 2 Influence for whatever you want, 2 more Gorman for example.

22 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Gorman drip might as well be chakana in this deck, without econ denial theres a lot of decks that will never click for credits, and its not often people draw cards without using jackson to do it. At least with chakana you can deny agenda FA or 2 turn advance, if you do something you should already be doing, which is hitting R&D

22 Nov 2013 Karselleristen

This is almost exactly identical to my primary Noise deck.. Scarily much so.

@NetEldrogo: I'm not sure you really understand how the Anarch version of Ice Destruction works. Why is Test Run needed? Deja Vu is much superior to it. Djinn can already Tutor for us, so we don't need SMC for that. The other thing SMC does is install during the run, which is very nice indeed, so we want to be able to do it way more than the two times the SMCs would allow us - thus we use PW. (Once Savoir-Faire is here I expect we'll use that instead, but alas it isn't yet.)

Ice destruction works for Shapers, I agree. The Anarch are the real deal though, once you start hitting R&D with Imps and you destroy the ICE even before it hits the table it gets rough for the Corp.

23 Nov 2013 Ratatosk

Hi guys! Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it! @NetEldrogo: a 2nd Grimoire would be nice, but I want this deck to be able to be built with only 1 copy of the Core Set. I don't really like SMC in this deck. In fact, I am pretty sure it simply won't work, except for getting Wyrm. The enormous weakness of SMC here is, that you cannot use it mid-run. If I wanted to use it in order to get a parasite on an ICE, that ICE has to be rezzed, otherwise I cannot install it. I also don't like that it takes up 2 MUs, as I don't have that much (especially when Grimoire is not installed yet). In comparison with PW, the only advantages SMC has, are the lower influence cost and the tutoring ability. But due to the fact that it cannot be used during runs, it doesn't look amazing enough to me for me to consider it.

@x3r0h0ur: You've got a point there. In my various rounds of testing this deck on OCTGN I rarely found the Gorman being loaded up. I think I'll kill it. Not so sure though, what I will put it. A Chakana would require an additional Influence, that I don't know where to take from. I'll have a look this afternoon :)

@Karselleristen: Be sure, that I'll have a look at your deck!