A Feather in Your Cap v0.2

dtelad11 964

Please note that Recon is a placeholder for Drive By, which was spoiled in the latest draft pack:

Drive By, Event: Double - 0c As an additional cost to play this event, spend a click. Expose 1 card installed in a remote server. Trash that card at no cost if it is an asset or upgrade. 2inf, Criminal, SS #3

5 Dec 2014 merrja

Seems fun, but you have Utopia Shard and Wanton destruction in the same deck as Vigil. They don't seem to synergise well, unless you are trying to keep the Corp at 4 cards to stop you from your free draw.

5 Dec 2014 dtelad11

I actually find that combination extremely synergistic. If they choose to stay at four cards, their HQ is more vulnerable. They're more likely to rez HQ ice to defend it, leaving them open to a later Wanton Destruction (WD), and they're more likely to install stuff and leave crucial machinery in their hand. Oftentimes, after a Corp is hit by WD or Utopia Shard once, they're keen on keeping their hand size up.

I agree that Vigil does not trigger every turn - with that said, I do not expect it to trigger every turn. I found that it gives me the card draw often enough to be worth it as a console.

5 Dec 2014 merrja

That's pretty cool, actually.

Just wondering, if you are going all hand-attack, why don't you go with Itinerant Protesters and Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe?

That way you can get your Vigil draw whilst still making them vunerable to Wanton Destruction and Utopia Shard.

However, that would make the deck slower, and yours seems pretty damn aggressive.

11 Dec 2014 dtelad11

Sorry, only saw your message now (deck already has version v0.3). As you pointed out, this is an aggressive build. Generally, I prefer to play aggressive decks - this, my Nasir builds, and the Andy deck I took to Worlds, rather than sitting there and letting Corp call the shots.