Record Reconstruction Lock v1.1

pandapersona 2628

Second iteration of the Record Reconstructor + Doppelgänger lock combo. By running archives on click 1, Doppelgänger run 2, click 2, and click 3, you can stop the corp from drawing anything new. Leaving you with a single click leftover. With that click, the plan is to slowly dig deeper past the 3-4 Record Reconstructor cards with Mediums.

Datasucker and Parasite package is included to help blow away any ice the corp can scrounge up onto archives.

3 Jun 2014 Jashay

Ooh, a choke deck. I did wonder if Reconstructor would make them a thing. However! The glaring weakness here: What if they have nothing in archives? Your plan is to plonk four cards per turn atop the deck, but how are you getting those 4 cards per turn there? Most of the cards that will be there anyway will be economy operations, as everything else you would have to take the time to trash yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of choke decks, particularly ones that exploit archives. But to my eye it seems like this deck has a hole in its strategy.

3 Jun 2014 Jashay

Oh also, Jackson Howard would ruin your day in multiple ways, and he's pretty ubiquitous these days

3 Jun 2014 pandapersona

Jackson Howard is a nightmare. During the setup phase to get the lock going run and trash Jackson as soon as possible. I've considered adding a couple Unregistered S&W '35 to simply deal with Jacksons.

As to the fault of relying on cards being in archives, generally, that is usually not a problem. By the time you have assembled both Doppelgänger and the Record Reconstructor, the corp has played enough economy cards. Most decks rely on Hedge Funds, Restructures, and other operations. It doesn't really matter that we give back a bunch of economy to the corp as long as they are locked into not drawing anything new.

3 Jun 2014 Labbes

Honest question: What happens if the corp installs ICE on Archives?

3 Jun 2014 wdlp

How do you play against classical Jinteki? Huge RnD digs are just asking for massive net damage

4 Jun 2014 mephi

What about a swordsman - ETR 2 ICE combo on R&D? Forfeit and go play your corp deck? The idea is a good one, I simply dont see it working.

5 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

You mean the 1 person in the world you'll see running swordsman? Edge cases aren't even worth thinking about, I don't know what it us about the ANR community, we always bring up the absolute worst case scenarios and say "Welp I guess then you resign and go play corp if they do this obscure thing"

This idea has merit, might be something to consider as a temporary bottleneck to slow down FA who would have to spend a click drawing and not fast advancing in order to find an agenda to score....interesting idea., chakana makes it even more interesting....

5 Jun 2014 mephi

I guess that the usage of any ICE is based on the local meta. As such I have seen a lot of swordsman play, which I believe is also a very nice mini bump for any runner deck, not to mention the havoc it recks on an AI based one. It is the only reason I mentioned this, but if your current meta does not run swordsmen, (they should!) then its absolutely fine!